Patent Search

U.S. Patents

Patent Number Search

Enter your patent number below and click search to open a new window and view your patent details.

Example: 10123456 or D765432 (Do Not Add Commas)

Advanced Search via the USPTO website


The United States Patent and Trademark Office offers advanced search abilities for both Patents and Applications. You have the ability to search using multiple fields of data such as inventor name, applicant name, address fields, titles, and more. Help files are available to assist you with your advanced searches. Feel free to contact us as well to help search for your patents.

Open the USPTO Advanced Search

International Patents


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) offers multiple search options using PATENTSCOPE. You can search 92 million patent documents including 3.9 million published international patent applications.

Open the WIPO IP Portal


The European Patent Office (EPO) contains data on more than 120 million patent documents from around the world. You can conduct multiple types of searches using the Espacenet Patent Search.

Open Espacenet Patent Search


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office's database lets you access over 150 years of patent descriptions and images. You can search, retrieve and study more than 2.4 million patent documents.

Search the Canadian Patent Database

jpo-logo.png Search the Japanese Platform for Patent Information (JPO)
auspat-logo.png Search IP Australia (AusPat)